my over-active lab has his own gf regime to live by, and believe me, just as in many humans, once he steers off the path, there are consequences. and we all pay for them. :(
my little (actually not-so-little) ball of energy has two passions in life: his ball and his food. and due to the nature of his breed, any food will do. he has a tendency to break into the garbage while we are away, and eat everything even semi-edible in there. unfortunately, these trashy adventures leaves more than a mess. the poor guy gets so sick and often lands himself a vet visit-- and even emergency room stays. ironically, we learned at one of our late-night vet visits that he has IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease), just like me. our dog actually has colitis, which often is often aggravated by wheat products. many humans with IBD have an intolerance or allergy to wheat.
so our pup lives a gluten-free life, which comes with ease in our house. the "d", as we call him, eats an all-natural, wheat-free dog food, EVO (http://www.naturapet.com/brands/evo.asp). and he and we are much happier about it. look at this guy... does it get much cuter than a gf dog?!?!?
links about IBD in humans and pets:
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